Learn And Master The Techniques You Need To
Transform Your Physique
What constitutes a better body? There are two key goals to any fitness program - strip body fat and build muscle. We are here to help you transform, utilizing systems rooted in championship modes and methods that are battle-tested and highly effective. This template has transformed clients from elite athletes to average folks all over the World!
"Like Prometheus I stole fire from the Gods. In my case, I stole from the athletic Gods, in order to help normal people in their quest to physically transform themselves."
- Marty Gallagher, Purposeful Primitive

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Our weekly podcast turns 100+ years of cumulative experience towards some aspect of the transformative equation. We explore proven techniques and tactics for everything from lifting to cardio training to nutrition covering topics such as supplementation, recovery accelerators, brain-train mental recalibration, injury prevention, anti-aging and more.

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Train the internal plumbing
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