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How to Unlock Your Hip Flexors Review

How to Unlock Your Hip Flexors Review

“Unlock Your Hip Flexors” is a comprehensive program designed to strengthen and loosen your hip flexors.  Hip flexors are a group of muscles that work together to lift your leg or knee towards your torso or allow your body to bend forward at the hip.  These muscles include psoas major, iliacus, rectus femoris, pectineus, and the sartorius muscles.  The psoas muscle is a deep muscle that connects the spine to the leg and is the only muscle that does so. It runs from your lower back through the pelvis, passing to the front of the hip where it attaches to the top of your thigh bone.  The other muscles support the main stabilizing activity of the psoas helping us to maintain good posture.  When the hip flexors become tight the balance between anterior and posterior muscles is disrupted causing the pelvis to no longer be properly aligned.

Typically an anterior tilt of the pelvis is created when the psoas major muscle becomes tight.  This tightening can be the cause of many aches and pains in our body.  The psoas major is the only muscle that connects the upper and lower body.  It attaches to the diaphragm which connects it to your breathing.  In addition your major internal organs sit upon it.  tight hip flexor symptomsExtended periods of sitting or standing in a flexed position cause the hip flexors to shorten and become overactive inhibiting the glutes from firing.  When the glutes are not firing properly they weaken and lose their functionality.  This causes a dysfunction where the surrounding muscles take over compromising extension and rotation of the hips, stabilization of the pelvis, and movements of the thigh away from and toward the body.  The body’s kinesiology is negatively impacted when the range of motion in various joints becomes restricted.  Over time the body will compensate and shift its structure.  In severe cases this will lead to what is known as Janda’s Upper and Lower cross syndromes.  See article on the Janda Approach.

How Can Tight Hips Hold You Back?

I learned first hand the impact the hips have on the whole body when it was discovered that I had a stage 3 spondylolisthesis after a terrible car accident in 2012.  This is a spinal disorder in which a bone (vertebra) slips forward onto the bone below it.  The spondy was an old injury however it had taken its toll on my posture causing an extreme anterior pelvic tilt.  I suffered from many of the common symptoms of tight hip flexors.

  • Nagging joint pain in the legs, lower back and hips
  • Walking with discomfort
  • Bad posture
  • Poor digestion
  • Trouble sleeping

Other tight hip flexor symptoms identified in the Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program are:

Bulging belly syndrome – Studies/Experts agree that the psoas functions as a stabilizer and helps keep good posture.  It’s a common myth that bulging belly is due to weak abdominal muscles. The real cause is likely to be tight psoas muscles, which cause the lower back to curve, pushing out the stomach. When the psoas works properly, it pulls the abdomen back, tucking the tummy in, adding to the appearance of a strong, flat stomach.

Fat Loss Inhibitor – As the body’s “fight or flight” muscle, your psoas is deeply connected to our natural survival instinct. It instantly tightens in moments of danger to either protect you (in a fetal position) or help you run, fueled by the release of adrenaline. However, with your psoas constantly tight, it’s as though you are in constant danger. When your body is stressed, it often switches into fat storing mode in anticipation of danger. [34-36] So, if fat loss is an issue for you, tight hips might be to blame.

Uncomfortable Sleep – Sitting all day causes your hips to become stuck in a forward thrust position. This leads to pulling on the lower back and decreased blood flow and circulation through the hips. This tightness results in physical discomfort, making it more difficult to fall asleep and more likely to wake up throughout the night. [30]

What to Expect from the Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program

This program goes beyond the simple static stretching so often recommended to solve tight hip flexors and introduces the reader to additional techniques including PNF stretching, dynamic stretching, fascial stretching, 3 dimensional core stability exercises, mobility exercises and muscle activation movements.

  • PNF stretching – PNF is an acronym for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. This is a technique used to activate a specific muscle in order to relax the muscles around a joint so you can decrease the stiffness around a joint.
  • Dynamic stretching – This is a technique used to activate the muscle around a joint and then moving that joint through its full range of motion in a progressive manner.
  • Fascial stretching –  This is a technique used to stretch the fascia which is the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and joints.
  • 3 dimensional core stability exercises – These exercises target the muscle in all planes of movement so the core and abdominal muscles have good activation, endurance and strength.  This leads to a decrease in unnecessary damaging stress on joints
  • Mobility exercises – These exercises target movements and that help the joint function optimally. This allows a joint to move more freely.
  • Muscle activation movements – Due to all of our sitting and daily technology use, many of our muscles are not working properly. These techniques target those muscles that have turned off and reactivate them to help the body move more efficiently.

The key to success with these techniques is the sequencing.  Excerpt from Manual: “Done effectively the sequential flow works with your body to help relieve chronic pain, improve flexibility and increase strength and vitality. [38-45]”  The time-compressed simplicity of the 10 step program makes daily adherence easy.  In 63 pages Rick Kaselj and Mike Westerdal provide a comprehensive explanation of how the psoas functions and why it is considered one of the most important muscles in the body.

Creators of the Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program

I chose the Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program based on the two very well credentialed professionals who created it.  Rick Kaselj is a certified specialist in sports injuries and Mike Westerdal is a sports nutrition specialist, personal trainer and the founder of the popular strength training site,  See Ricks bio below.

Rick Kaselj, M.S. (Exercise Science), B.Sc. (Kinesiology), PK, CPT, CEP, CES

Rick Kaselj specializes in exercise rehabilitation and fitness. He works in one-on-one and group rehabilitation settings, educating and training people who have been injured at work, in car accidents, and during sport activities.  He has combined his rehabilitation experience and passion for research to develop a variety of courses and presentations for fitness professionals, Kinesiologists, and healthcare providers. Rick has given over 302 presentations to 5897 fitness professionals across Canada and USA.

Where to Begin?

Have you answered “yes” to any of the symptoms above?  If so, then the Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program might be for you.  This revolutionary program can change how you feel about your body by increasing your range of motion and improving your posture.  This provides a synergy to combat inflammation and increase energy levels.

What’s Included?

The Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program includes a 63-page guide in pdf format and two videos. The combination of materials both educate the reader on why hip flexors are important and gives expert instruction on how to perform the recommended loosening and strengthening exercises.  The videos are very helpful.  The first one is instructional with the second video containing routines that you can follow on your own. Two bonus offers are included but optional:  “Unlock Your Tight Hamstrings” and “The Ultimate 7 Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet.”

Where to Purchase?

You can purchase the materials discussed above and make a real change in your health and body for just $10.  This program usually sells for $50, which means that you will receive almost an 80% discount. This promotion is only for a limited time. The good news is that this program comes with a 60-day money back guarantee.  If for any reason these resources don’t work for you, you can ask for a full refund, no questions asked. This risk-free warranty allows you to return the product within 60 days if you don’t see any change to your well-being.  Consider also purchasing the two bonus offers “Unlock Your Tight Hamstrings” and “The Ultimate 7 Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet” to amp your results.  Check out this link for “Unlock Your Hip Flexors.”

Program Rating

I would give the Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program a rating of 4 stars. It’s a good solid program that will guarantee results for people who actually perform the movements, it’s also relatively cheap and comes with a full 60 day money back guarantee.  I would not give it 5 stars because of the pushing of the add-on items after purchase (these could be all made into one more broad book). There are also too many unproven claims about the benefits of a well-stretched psoas.  However, this does not take anything away of the effectiveness of the actual program.

If you found this blog informative, check out another recent post on the benefits of doing squats everyday!  It gives step-by-step instructions on the key components of a proper squat and is a great adjunct to the Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program.


  • I can tell you put a lot of effort into this article because there is so much valuable content! I am a teenage bodybuilder and a basketball player, and stretching is super important for me because I do not want to get injured. One of the key take away I learned from this article is to be aware of my posture, because even right now my shoulder are slumped and my back is not straight. Also, I noticed I have trouble sleeping sometimes. Thank you for sharing this article, and I will definitely come back for more knowledge like this!

  • This is a very helpful review! The information here about the hip flexors answers a question of mine: “Why do my hips feel so tight after sitting on the couch?”

    I see a chiropractor regularly, which does help but it looks like some exercises on this are definitely in order for me!

    Sounds like you have had some good results since you started the program. Do you have any more details on what sort of benefits you personally have gotten from it?

    • I have had amazing results using this comprehensive system.  As a result of my spondy my body had contorted into a very distorted position having both Janda’s upper and lower cross syndrome where the muscles around the c-spine and sacrum became dysfunctional.  This dysfunctional posture caused all sorts of problems for me.  I had numbness in my right foot off and on.  My right hip would be in so much pain it would take my breath away.  In addition I had impaired organ function specifically my digestive track and mentstrual cycle.  Those symptoms are virtually gone.  I work at the program everyday as a part of my daily ritual.  I often get comments on how amazing my posture is from people who have no idea where I started.  It is a minimal investment to give it a try.  If you do decide to try the program, please let me know how it works.

  • I had no idea how important hip health was for the body. I hadn’t ever connected poor digestion, poor sleep, and inability to lose weight to hip issues, but it makes sense if it comes with poor posture and joint or walking issues. Thank you so much for opening up my eyes to this as a possibility for helping me resolve some physical issues I’ve had. I’m bookmarking it to ensure I look into it further.

  • This seems like a great program. I have a little bit of an anterior pelvic tilt and I have heard that this can actually lead to tight hamstrings, which I have always suffered from.

    I also deal with a lot of the other issues that you mention in the article. I will have to try this program out and see if it makes a difference.

    I think that it will be fun to try out since it incorporates stretching with core stability.

  • I have answered to all the symptoms of your article and I will certainly try the hip flexor. A friend of mine has already talked to me about Mike Westerdal and his work. Your article, however, has much more depth and taking the whole of a fact and somehow scientific angle that makes much more sense.
    Oe question I have is: Is that a problem when someone has knee pain?
    Nive review and very helpful. Thanks

    • I hope you find the success with the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program that I did.  Knee pain can be related to tight hip flexors. The hips move in three planes.  When movement in the hips is impinged then stresses can fall to the knees and ankles.  Another words the knee takes the stress when the hips are not functioning opitimally.  Please let me know if you find relief using this program.

  • I really like your site, also if you get a chance to visit me, you will see I had weight issues. I am a testament to how that messes with your hips. Very clean site and I like you service! Glad to see your OK after your car accident. Did that book help you? Stretching is my favorite thing to do and what a benefit to your health.

    • The Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program was highly beneficial to me.  It coordinated a couple different kinds of stretching techniques with movement sequences that helped my body move more freely.  The investment is minimal which is what drew me to the program initially.  Check it out for yourself.

  • Hey Stacy,
    thanks for your amazing review! I haven’t been sure if the Unlock Your Hip Program was the right choice for me but thanks to your review I’ll get my copy now 🙂
    Keep up the good work and best regards,

  • Thanks for sharing this vital information regarding hip flexors and resulting problems if they are not working properly. I was not aware of this issue, I will check out Unlock Your Hip Program and let you know how it works for me.I like your easy to understand way of writing. Thanks again,

    riley roman

    • Thanks for the read! Folks do not realize how essential this one muscle is to overall body function. Please do let me know how the program works for you. I am always excited to hear success stories!

  • Thanks for this awesome review. If I’m not wrong, a lot of our body movements should be initiated by the hip muscles for the best posture. But nowadays, a lot of people tend to put the pressure on areas like our back, especially lower back. I believe this program will help a lot of people!

  • This is one of the most useful article I have ever read. Good Posture is really to important to stay healthy and I really love the way you have explained everything along with pictures and anatomy. Great read…:)

  • This was an informative article. I enjoyed reading it. As much as I would stand to benefit from this program, I cannot get it because I am a poor college student.

    That brings me to my question. Are there any at home exercises I can do to benefit my hip flexers? I am learning Muay Thai at my University and I need to move my hips more. Anything you can do to help would be very much appreciated. I look forward to hearing your answer.

    Thank you for sharing and I hope you make it a great day!

  • H Stacy
    Is this a good program for someone in their 60’s (me)? 🙂 I’m very active and I can don’t suffer from joint of hip pains, fortunately for me. Just the same if you think it’s suited for an older dude. At $10 bucks it’s gotta be a no brainer. Is the material downloaded?
    Let me know back hey?

    • Absolutely! As a personal trainer I work with an older demographic – 50-80. I am 51 years old myself. Think of the program more as a posture enhancer. There is a natural degradation of posture as we age. This program gives you a 10-15 minute series of both stretches and functional movement exercises that help the body stay limber. The material comes as a .pdf. Please let me know how the program works for you.

  • Wow, Stacy! Thanks for all this valuable information on Hip Flexors! Reading it completely drew me in and now I can apply what I have read. I will definitely look into your program, too. My fiance is an Alphabiotics Specialist and provides hip alignments. This procedure has a positive effect on the Psoas Muscle, and helps to keep all bones in proper alignment, while penetrating the muscles.

    I appreciate all your insight and wish you continued success! Great visuals on your review, too!

    • Thanks for the read! Can you tell me more about what an alphabiotics specialist does? I am completely intrigued. I have been fortunate to have access to a DNS (Dynamic Neuro Stabilization) therapist in my spondy recovery. A DNS therapist has the ability to reset the nervous system when it has been impaired using Vladimir Jandas theories as the foundation.

  • Hi Stacy, thanks for this, I have been experiencing some hip problems lately…yes…due to my many hours sitting on my butt…at the computer working!
    This review gives me a lot to do and think about! I need to get myself moving!
    Thanks for this – Orion

  • Excellent article with great nformation. I can say that It looks like the material touches on a subject that we all may have gone through at some point of our lives. It may even be that some folks are stuck in a job that does not require a lot of movement. That would not be good for anyone. I hope that businesses promote health and well being throughout their management and prevent this type of condition. Thank you this helps clear up questions in my mind.

  • One of my favorite topics! Being a retired athlete, it seems like the rest of my life will be about balancing sedentary work. Including blogging lol.
    I hope your readers take this seriously and get your product.

  • Very helpful and interesting information. Our lifestyle changes a lot in the last decades and we are most of the times sitting on a chair in front of the computer( Even at this moment:) I promise as soon as i finish I will take my dog for a long walk.
    I knew it is not healthy to have a sedentary life but I didn’t know that so many problems can occur. I will have a try to your program, I think it will be very helpful. it is easy to follow even if you don’t have a lot of free time? Does it help in losing weight?
    Thanks for sharing.

    • Thanks for the read! The program does not require a lot of extra time. 10-15 minutes a day is all you need. The sequence of exercises is set up to work synergistically together. Helping your body to be more mobile and flexible can help in losing weight. However, at the end of the day losing weight is primarily a function of good nutrition. Good nutrition includes whole foods and minimal sugar. Stay away from refined carbs and other processed foods that can spike insulin and inhibit the body’s ability to lose weight.

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