The fan bike is the ultimate cardio tool because it has the advantage of being able to work all four limbs equally and simultaneously or each limb separately. Adding to the exercise menu it can be pedaled or pushed backwards. This exponentially increases the training possibilities.
I learned from Len Schwartz, the inventor of Heavy Hands, long ago that quad-limbed cardio training is superior in its effects and intensity. Adding the strategy of pedaling or pulling backwards also helps the trainee access their posterior chain which is lacking in legs-only, forward-only cardio equipment devices.
The fan bike measures effort in two ways – RPMs and WATTS. This makes it possible for the user to monitor the intensity of their training effort. Why is this important? Intensity is the key to improving performance.
“Would you lift weights without knowing the poundage? Why would you do cardio without measuring the intensity?”
- Marty Gallagher
Fan bike training drills enable a trainee to stress one, two, three or all four limbs, individually or together, forwards or backwards. The cardio effort can be “shuttled” around the body in a very strategic and calculated fashion.
Gains occur by repeatedly generating an all-out effort, safely and consistently. This is super important. Make sure to shut the sprint down at any hint of pain or discomfort. The report card of intensity are the highest WATTS or RPMs generated during the training session. Some days capacities are enhanced, other days normal and other days diminished. Intensity and capacity are a shifting target, differing from session to session. The most important point is to work to 100% of wherever you are at on that day. Logging workout performance provides important data that can be used in future training sessions to exceed current limits.
Once a 100% max effort is attained in one drill then the trainee decelerates and uses the “Fan Bike Core Protocol” on the next drill.
Example: Feet resting on footrest pegs, work up to 100% effort in “arms-only, push only, going forward with an overhand grip” drill. This effort generates 29 WATTS of intensity. The athlete then segues into “arms-only, pull only, going backward with an underhand grip” drill. This effort generates 27 WATTS of intensity. Both readings are logged and create a baseline for the next all-out effort.
After going 100% using just the arms – all-out forward and all-out backwards – now what? Legs only forwards, then legs only backwards. Then you could do arms and legs together going forward while standing. Then backwards. You get the idea. Rotate the effort. While one part of the body is generating a 100% sprint-style effort, other parts of the body are resting, waiting their turn at bat.
Rotate the exertions and rotate the recovery. Specific body parts are maximally taxed, then rested. Other body parts are brought online and taxed maximally in turn. This strategy enables repeated maximum exertions.
Why would anyone purchasing cardio training equipment select an aerobic tool that can only go in one direction, forward, and uses legs alone to generate 100% of the cardio effort?
Aerobic equipment tools that depend on legs alone to create the totality of the exercise effort are woefully inadequate when compared to the astounding possibilities of quad-limbed/forward-backward cardio. I am sure that Len Schwartz would agree. His studies on quad-limb cardio confirmed this.
Consistent and intense cardio exercise builds powerful endurance while infusing muscles with additional mitochondria. Sprinting is an excellent example of intense cardio that directs a purposeful muscular effort toward physical output. Intense cardio triggers the release of hormones: adrenaline, endorphins, GH, serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, etc., these beneficial hormones flood the bloodstream and are a telltale precursor of the adaptive response. The hormonal release is a positive indicator that the training effort has been productive.
Intense cardio training also builds and strengthens internal organs, flushes arterial walls, power-washes away clinging plaque and sludge as torrents of blood rip through veins in a supercharged circulatory rush. The heart muscles and lung muscles accelerate and send fresh blood coursing to working muscles. Enriched blood delivers healing nutrients, carrying away toxins and waste products.
Comparing a contemporary stationary bike, a standard treadmill, or any legs-only/forward-only cardio device to a Fan Bike is akin to comparing checkers to chess.
Why be purposefully stuck with a single-dimensional cardio workout tool when you can explore cardio training in four dimensions?!
For more information on different cardio modes take a read of the articles below.
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