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Unlock Your Hip Flexors PDF

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The key to success with these techniques is the sequencing.  Excerpt from Manual: “Done effectively the sequential flow works with your body to help relieve chronic pain, improve flexibility and increase strength and vitality. [38-45]”  The time-compressed simplicity of the 10 step program makes daily adherence easy.

This program goes beyond the simple static stretching so often recommended to solve tight hip flexors and introduces the reader to additional techniques including PNF stretching, dynamic stretching, fascial stretching, 3 dimensional core stability exercises, mobility exercises and muscle activation movements.

  • PNF stretching – PNF is an acronym for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. This is a technique used to activate a specific muscle in order to relax the muscles around a joint so you can decrease the stiffness around a joint.
  • Dynamic stretching – This is a technique used to activate the muscle around a joint and then moving that joint through its full range of motion in a progressive manner.
  • Fascial stretching –  This is a technique used to stretch the fascia which is the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and joints.
  • 3 dimensional core stability exercises – These exercises target the muscle in all planes of movement so the core and abdominal muscles have good activation, endurance and strength.  This leads to a decrease in unnecessary damaging stress on joints
  • Mobility exercises – These exercises target movements and that help the joint function optimally. This allows a joint to move more freely.
  • Muscle activation movements – Due to all of our sitting and daily technology use, many of our muscles are not working properly. These techniques target those muscles that have turned off and reactivate them to help the body move more efficiently.
